1. Arjen SiegmannArjen works for the CDA Research Institute and is professor at the Vrije Universiteit (VU). He had been a council member before (2006-2012) but has been called back to lead the party in the new election. He firmly believes in the 'third pillar' of society: that space between government and the market where people themselves, and their initiatives, shape society.
2. Sandra van EngelenSandra is a current member of the city council, has two dogs and is the social conscience of the party. The 'for better for worse' streets and the neighborhood bus driven by volunteers are some of here initiatives.
3. Bert Rouwenhorst |
4. Dick Aanen |
Bert is a long-time Amstelveen citizen and is a great enthousiast for climate-friendly construction. After a career in business he likes to use his talents for the good of others and the people of Amstelveen in particular.
Dick is a journalist, married to Trudie and a happy inhabitant of the "Bovenkerk" village. He is a journalist and uses his investigative skills to keep the local government in check.
5. John van Scheijndel |
6. Job Siegmann |
John has a responsible job at a public pension fund. He feels strongly about cultural trends, such the assumption of self-centered optimizing individuals by the government. That needs to change. People are social beings and we should see them as such.
Job studies PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the VU. Having done volunteer work in the US for a few years, he has a natural interest in other cultures and in contributing to the well-being of people in Amstelveen.
7. Timothy Doekie |
The complete list
The complete CDA list for the 2022 elections is as follows:
1. Arjen Siegmann
2. Sandra van Engelen
3. Bert Rouwenhorst
4. Dick Aanen
5. John van Scheijndel
6. Job Siegmann
7. Timothy Doekhie
8. Amandhalia Varenhorst - Nasserie
9. Klaas van Gelderen
10. Trudie Aanen
11. Albert van Blaaderen
12. Kees Slump
13. Ynse Jongmans
14. Gerard Hulsman
15. Pier Rienks
16. Nadjehda Richardson
17. Jos Groot
18. Jan Willem Groot
1. Arjen Siegmann
2. Sandra van Engelen
3. Bert Rouwenhorst
4. Dick Aanen
5. John van Scheijndel
6. Job Siegmann
7. Timothy Doekhie
8. Amandhalia Varenhorst - Nasserie
9. Klaas van Gelderen
10. Trudie Aanen
11. Albert van Blaaderen
12. Kees Slump
13. Ynse Jongmans
14. Gerard Hulsman
15. Pier Rienks
16. Nadjehda Richardson
17. Jos Groot
18. Jan Willem Groot